This week we will block as much of the show as we can. All actors will be brought up on stage as we work through the play. Singers will be called to rehearse with Sid, Richard, and Kennedy when available. Dance rehearsals will be called, with flexibility for blocking calls in the theatre. Be aware that the morning schedule will need to be flexible as we bring actors, singing, and dance together. If we realize we might need to call you for an afternoon rehearsal, we will let you know the day before. If you are called for the afternoon, remember to bring a lunch. Please note that afternoon rehearsals will go until 3pm this week.

Monday July 22nd 9:00-12:30. All Called.

Theatre. Everyone. Sing: Opening for a Princess, Shy, Song of Love, Opening-Act 2, Finale

Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Sid, Kate B. Everyone. Review staging: Opening for a Princess (pg 5-6)

Music Room with Richard and Kennedy. Winnifred. Solo work.


Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Richard, Kennedy, Kate B. Wizard, Minstrel, Jester, Knight #1, Knight #3, Harry, Larken. Stage: pg 6-10 Join Cris for dance as possible

Kay Rowe room with Sid and Cam.

11:00-11:30. Winnifred, Ladies. Sing: Swamps of Home
11:30-12:30. Dauntless. Solo work.

Hallway with Cris.

11:00-12:30. Available Everyone. Review Dance: Spanish Panic.


Lunch for those called in the afternoon

Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Kate B. Queen, Larken, Dauntless, Harry, Minstrel, King, Jester, Wizard. Stage: pg 10-12, 18-23

Kay Rowe room with Sid.

As Possible: Queen: Review Sensitivity

Minstrel, Jester, Larken: Normandy

Hallway with Cris.

1:00-2:00. Jester, KaeAnne. Dance: Very Soft Shoe (Jester to theatre when needed)

2:00-3:00. KaeAnne. Dance: Very Soft Shoe.


Tuesday July 23rd 9:00-12:30. All Called.

Theatre. Everyone. Sing: Opening for a Princess, Shy, Song of Love, Opening-Act 2, Finale

Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Kate B, Sid, Cris. Everyone. Review/Stage: pg.12-17.

Music Room with Richard and Kennedy. Jester. Review/Sing: Very Soft Shoes


Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Kate B, Sid. Winnifred, Jester, Dauntless, King, Ladies-In-Waiting. Continue staging: pg 23-26

Kay Rowe room with Sid.

11:00-11:30. Knights. Sing: Opening for a Princess.
11:30-11:45. Rory, Noah. Sing: Solo work in Shy
11:45-12:30. Minstrel, Jester, Larken. Normandy.

Music Room with Richard and Kennedy.

11:00-11:45. Harry and Larken. In a Little While, Yesterday I Loved You.
11:45-12:30. Wizard and Queen. Review: Sensitivity

Hallway with Cris.

11:30-12:30. Knights. Dance: Shy (no Winnifred)

Lunch for those called in the afternoon

Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Kate B (Cris join at 2). Winnifred, Ladies-In-Waiting, Dauntless, Larken, Harry, Queen, Wizard, Harald, Beatrice, Noah, Ezmay, Remy, Sara. Stage: pg 26-29

Kay Rowe room with Sid.

1:00-1:15. Wizard. Sing: Sensitivity.
1:20-2:20. Dauntless. Sing: Solo work.
2:20-3:00. Harry, Larken. Sing: In a Little While, Yesterday I Loved You.

Cris in Hallway.

1:00-2:00. Jester, KaeAnne when done with blocking. Very Soft Shoe


Wednesday July 24th 9:00-12:30. All Called.

Theatre. Everyone. Sing: Opening for a Princess, Shy, Song of Love, Opening-Act 2, Finale

Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Kate B. Larken, King, Wenches, Jester, Minstrel, Queen, Wizard. Stage: pg 29-32

Kay Rowe room with Sid.

9:45-10:15. Winnifred. Solo Work
10:15-10:45. Nightingale. Solo Work

Music Room with Richard and Kennedy.

Minstrel, Queen when not in theatre. Many Moons Ago.

Hallway with Cris.

KaeAnne. Dance: Very Soft Shoe


Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Cris. Everyone. Stage: pg 34 and Spanish Panic

Kay Rowe room with Sid.

11:00-11:30. Minstrel. Many Moons Ago.

Music room with Richard, Kennedy, Kate B.

11:30-12:30. Minstrel, Jester, King. Review: Minstrel, Jester, and I

Lunch for those called in the afternoon

Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Kate B, Sid. Minstrel, Larken, Jester. Stage: pg 32-34

Music Room with Richard and Kennedy.

1:00-2:00. Dauntless. Review Song of Love


Thursday July 25th 9:00-12:30. All Called. All Called after lunch as well

Theatre. Everyone. Sing: Opening for a Princess, Shy, Song of Love, Opening-Act 2, Finale

Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Kate B, Sid, Cris. Everyone. Stage: pg 35-39 (Song of Love).


Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Kate B, Sid, Cris. Everyone. Continue staging: pg 35-39 (Song of Love).

Lunch for those called in the afternoon

Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Kate B, Sid, Cris. Everyone. Continue staging: pg 35-39 (Song of Love).


Friday July 26th 9:00-12:30. All Called.

Theatre. Everyone. Sing: Opening for a Princess, Shy, Song of Love, Opening-Act 2, Finale

Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Kate B, Sid. Everyone. Stage: pg 40-43.

Music Room with Richard and Kennedy.

9:45-10:15. Winnifred. Solo Work
10:15-10:45. Dauntless. Solo Work


Theatre with Rosie, Kate R.

11:00-11:30. Dauntless, Winnifred, Larken. Stage: pg 44-45
11:30-12:30. Jester, Minstrel, Harry, King, Dauntless. Stage: pg 48-51

Hallway with Kate B.

11:00-11:30. Dauntless, King. Preliminary staging: Man to Man Talk
All join in theatre at 11:30

Kay Rowe Room with Sid. TBD.
Music Room with Richard and Kennedy. TBD

Lunch for those called in the afternoon.


Theatre with Rosie, Kate R, Kate B, Sid. Kennedy. Happily Ever After, bed work (pg 58)

Hallway with Cris.

1:00-2:00. Everyone EXCEPT King, Minstrel, Larken. Review: Spanish Panic

2:00-3:00. Jester, KaeAnne. Very Soft Shoes